My main field of research is related to the primary sources for the study of Medieval and Renaissance Iberian literatures and cultures, especially what we called ‘Poesía de cancionero’ (Songbook Poetry) written in Spanish. Other research lines I am involved with are Spanish vernacular Humanism, nobility’s patronage of Spanish culture, and the Islamic, Hebrew, and Christian background of medieval Iberia. I seek to show how medieval literature, especially poetry, must be studied within the context of the political and social culture from which it emerges. My research is also focused on the role of gender and racial issues in the construction of authorship, in particular the role of both women and Jewish and converso writers, in the midst of the turmoil of the 15th-16th centuries.

I have been involved in Digital Humanities since 1999, when I joined the project ADMYTE. Later on, in 2002, I joined PhiloBiblon ( as a research assistant of the project, a position that I am still holding. I recently began to write a blog in which I am trying to spread both my research and my teaching to the general public, for I consider essential the dissemination of these matters as a counterweight to any scientific research carried out.

Fuente: formulario de detección de casos.


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