This Research Project (FFI2012-32231) aims to continue the work of the previous FEHTYCH Project with the purpose of tracing a new critical landscape in the field of the medieval and early modern Iberian epic. The project will trace the epic’s connections with other similar literary and cultural expressions, both within and outside the Iberian realm, and in connection with both historical and literary contexts. The first goal is to continue the edition of some of the key texts related to the epic form in Iberian letters, by implementing hyperspectral analysis technology and the ? hypertextual model. At the same time, the Project aims to provide a new analysis of epic materials from two perspectives: an internal one (within the framework of the epic and historical works of Medieval Iberia and their later heritage) and an external one (as compared to the European epic models -Romance and Germanic- and to the Mediterranean ones, including Christian and Islamic border epic from the Caucasus to the Iberian Peninsula). The Project is expected to achieve a better understanding of the epic forms and their successive accommodation to new literary and socio-historical contexts. Last, but not least, given the special attention that, for obvious reasons, will be devoted to the subject of the Cid, part of the results may be useful for regional development through cultural performances linked to the “Camino del Cid” consortium.

Fuentes de financiación: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)

Director: Alberto Montaner Frutos

Fuente: formulario de detección de casos.


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