I currently work at the Institute for Bibliographic Studies at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. I am doing research on the creation, dissemination and use of primary electronic resources in the Humanities. I am currently working on a research project on the creation, dissemination and use of electronic resources in the Humanities, including setting up a DH network in Spanish. I also coordinate the project to manage and improve the digital visibility of the digital resources produced by academics at the university through the use of institutional repositories called RAD – Red de Acervos Digitales.

My main research interests are the creation and use of electronic resources, information systems for managing digital information, the future of electronic publishing and digital visibility.

I am currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Information Studies at UCL. It was here that I recently completed my PhD studies with a thesis on the use of electronic resources within institutional repositories and the implications for scholarly communication and publishing. A copy is available from UCL Eprints.

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