Digital Media and Learning Competition: Winning innovators and thought leaders designing and redefining 21st century learning.
Created in 2007, the Digital Media and Learning Competition is designed to find and inspire the most innovative uses of new media in support of connected learning. Connected learning happens in and out of school, in physical places and in online spaces, and is:
– motivating because it is connected to people’s interests and passions; and
– social in nature because it involves interacting, providing feedback, and sharing with others; and
– typically occurs during tangible, hands-on, creative activities that are open and discovery-based; and
– often involves connections among learners, adult mentors, and more advanced peers as teachers.

Projects supported by the DML Competition explore how digital technologies are changing the way people learn and participate in daily life, through interaction with each other in connected, participatory ways, often involving the production and not just the consumption of knowledge, ideas, designs, and artifacts.

Past Competition awards have recognized individuals, for-profit companies, universities, and community organizations using new media to transform learning.

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