You are visiting the portal of a brand-new initiative around so-called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Most of the MOOCs movement is based in the US. Some European universities join US initiatives, and recently the UK and Australia have launched national initiatives.

OpenupEd is the first MOOCs initiative which goes Europe-wide, with the support of the European Commission. At the start around 40 courses, covering a wide variety of subjects, are available, in 12 different languages. OpenupEd has been initiated and is coordinated by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) and mostly involves open universities. The 11 launch partners are based in France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, and the UK, and outside the EU in Russia, Turkey and Israel.

Please feel invited and explore this portal, discover a course you like, in a language you prefer, and with a model that suits you.

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