El jueves 19 de febrero a las 19:00 horas celebraremos la presentación de un nuevo laboratorio del MIT Media Lab, el Laboratory of Social Machines, a través de un grupo de investigadores del mismo encabezado por su director Deb Roy. El encuentro está organizado desde la UGR por GrinUGR, junto con el Ayuntamiento de Jun y Global InDevices. El lugar de celebración será el Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias de Trabajo de la Universidad de Granada. La presentación durará aproximadamente 30 minutos más 15 de preguntas y contará con traducción consecutiva.

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Presentación del Laboratory @socialmachines de MIT @MediaLab en #UGR @GrinUGR c/ @dkroy @HamletsBB @msaveski 19/2 19h
Acerca del Laboratory of Social Machines en MIT Media Lab
Digital networks have radically increased the speed and scope with which individuals can effect social change, transforming the relationship between people and institutions. But the impact to date of this transformation has been more disruptive and ad hoc, as opposed to constructive and systematic. Existing tools and practices for harnessing the potential of digital networks have failed to sustain a public sphere where institutions and individuals can come together to understand, learn and act constructively on societal problems. In this talk, we will introduce our approach to building and deploying “social machines” that bring system solutions to critical global challenges in learning, journalism and governance.
More info: http://socialmachines.

Deb Roy (@dkroy)
Associate Professor at the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is director of the Laboratory for Social Machines. He is also Chief Media Scientist of Twitter. He co-founded and led Bluefin Labs, a social TV analytics company, which was acquired by Twitter in 2013. He is the author of over 100 academic papers at the intersection of human and machine communication. His TED talk, Birth of a Word, has been viewed over 3 million times.
William Powers (@HamletsBB)
William is an award-winning media critic and New York Times bestselling author, and was director of The Crowdwire project. At Social Machines he’s developing new tools for social discourse.
Martin Saveski (@msaveski)
A graduate student at Social Machines, Martin received a Master in Data Mining and Knowledge Management from University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) and Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Martin’s research interests include large-scale machine learning, network analysis and natural language processing.