
Inciting the Metric Oriented Humanist

Nos hacemos eco de la próxima actividad organizada por el MediaLab UGR, el seminario ‘Inciting the Metric Oriented Humanist’, impartido por Alesia Zuccala, investigadora y profesora de la Universidad de Copenhaguen (Dinamarca). Tendrá lugar el próximo 5 de noviembre a las 12:30 am en el Edificio CTT (C/ Gran Vía 48), sala de conferencias de la 6ª Planta.


Babel Borges

Babel Borges is an interdisciplinary site dedicated to the study of the diffusion of Jorge Luis Borges’s work throughout culture. The choice of this author is based on the double importance of his stories: in literary terms as well as philosophical since they correspond to thought experiments. Through this site, net surfers will have access…


Carolina Ferrer

Associate Professor at the Department of Literary Studies of the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Canada. Her research covers Spanish American literature and culture, cultural dynamics, semiotic approaches to database systems, literature and electronic archives, film studies, epistemocriticism.