Dr. Scott Weintraub is Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of New Hampshire. His teaching and research interests include 20th—21st-century Spanish and Latin American literature, especially poetry; critical theory and cultural studies; cyberliterature and cyberculture; and the relationship between literature, philosophy, science, and technology. He recently completed a book titled Juan Luis Martínez’s Philosophical Poetics, the first book in English on this groundbreaking Chilean poet. His articles have been published or are forthcoming in numerous refereed journals in the U.S., Canada, Latin America and Europe, including Anales de literatura chilena, Arena Romanistica, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Ciberletras, CR: The New Centennial Review, Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Estudios: Revista de investigaciones literarias y culturales, Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos, and Revista chilena de literatura. He edited an e-book on avant-garde poet Vicente Huidobro (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P Hispanic Issues OnLine, 2010; with Luis Correa-Díaz), and has edited special issues of prominent journals in the U.S., Chile and Norway about such varied topics as the problematic relationship between literature and philosophy in Latin America and Spain; the literary and scientific figure of the membrane; Transatlantic avant-garde poetry and poetics; and the changing praxis of the (e-)literary text in the digital age. An edited book on digital/techno-poetry in Latin America (with Luis Correa-Díaz) is forthcoming in 2014 from Ediciones UC (published by the Pontificia Universidad Católica; Santiago, Chile).

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